Our immune system focuses on one task every day: to protect us. We humans are a reservoir of germs and microorganisms. Microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, nematodes or helminths (worms) have made a decisive contribution to human development and made us strong. Humans themselves consist of microorganisms many times more than body cells. We have over 600 trillion of the latter. This vitality is unimaginable. Incredibly our coordinated, highly organized, cooperating interior of the body.
Therefore, we have to understand that the course of all our immune processes needs important basic requirements in our body. And this means that there has to be a physical balance in which we live in symbiosis with our microorganisms and our immune-competent immune cells do not give intruders a chance.
We have launched the Immun Power Week to support you in filling up your immunological batteries and to bring your body back into this necessary balance.