Dear Patients, Based on the fact that the coronavirus has now reached northern Italy and the Swiss Ticino as well as the numerous calls with questions and concerns we received, we would like to send you this special news item on the subject of coronavirus. So that you understand and do not have to live in fear.
Let me begin with a quote from Paul Epstein:
"The current period of unprecedented ecological change, the growing economic and social crises are contributing to the overall recurrence of old epidemics and the emergence of new ones. Important factors in this rapid evolution are the vulnerabilities of ecosystems and climatic destabilization."
(Emerging Diseases and Ecosystem Instability: New Threats to Public Health)
From a medical point of view, we have taken a risky path in recent decades. Our extensive and highly industrialized agriculture with the resulting imbalance of ecosystems, the worldwide commercial use of farm animals and plants, agricultural pharmaceutical products, the disruption of the ecosystem through deforestation and waterways, the decimation of predator and wild plant populations – these are just a few examples to describe the global consequences of human activity.
Changes in the macrocosm have long since changed our microcosm as well. At the same time, we have also succeeded in diagnosing and operating with electron microscopic precision, and saving human lives through emergency medical measures. None of us may doubt or question these scientific achievements, and certainly no one would forgo these today.
Today's medicine, however, takes place at such a rapid pace in everyday life, with symptoms only being treated symptomatically. The actual cause of the disease is still far away and the chronicity of diseases is increasing dramatically.
In view of the global outbreak of the coronavirus, we must ask ourselves why we humans are so vulnerable right now and why a population of 3% has not survived the virus disease? Similar to antibiotic-resistant bacteria, many viruses are making their comebacks. Viruses have lived many millions of years in harmony with their host species, such as bees or buffalo herds. The disruption of healthy ecosystems through human intervention stimulates viruses to overcome boundaries. So today, it is child's play for viruses to favour the human host. This usually happens without any problems, because our human organism is equipped with the best immune system in the world.
Provided we do not damage it by harming ourselves. Whether consciously or unconsciously. We activate and support it and supply it with everything it needs so that it can work for us undisturbed. Because its sole task is to protect us from bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, etc. For decades this happens unnoticed.
The human being has bundled and controlled all his defenses via the vitamin D system! This means that our vital hormone vitamin D is involved in over 100'000 immune reactions. The correlation between viral infections and vitamin D deficiency is more complex than we previously assumed and has already been scientifically proven. Vitamin D research is in full swing.
In about 70% of our patients coming from Europe, we detect a vitamin D deficiency. This is a frightening reality! And in all patients who died of the coronavirus, a massive vitamin D deficiency was also found!
Vitamin D deficiency is a problem of today's mankind: children play in big cities rather than outside, the population in China works up to the age of 55 (holiday is a foreign word), offices or department stores are without daylight. In short, the working and living conditions of people, especially in big cities, accelerate this vitamin D deficiency.
You can compare the high importance of vitamin D with fire insurance. Perhaps you would never need this insurance your whole life, but in the event of sudden damage, without insurance coverage, you may be ruined forever at all levels.
Viruses look for a specific receptor in the organism and dock at this cell receptor (door opener), so that they can enter the cell (where they reproduce). Coronaviruses, like MERS or SARS, use only the ACE-2 receptor of the cell surface. This opens their door. ACE-2 is the enzyme that should inactivate angiotensin 2, which raises blood pressure. An important metabolic pathway in blood pressure regulation.
However, if the virus blocks the breakdown of angiotensin 2, then the pressure inside the lungs increases and a pulmonary edema develops (the lungs fill with water) resulting in a shock lung. Only if this mechanism is misdirected by the virus, people die. In China, 3% of infected people so far. What situation did the coronaviruses encounter there? Which protective mechanisms were overridden?
In order to protect ourselves from this viral blockade, it is important to understand the interrelationships in order to then proceed with the best approach and therapies. If the vitamin D level is sufficient, defensin and cathelicdin protection are activated, which are two important antimicrobial peptides consisting of about 30 to 50 amino acids. Defensins are found in all animals and higher plants. They are produced by neutrophil granulocytes (white blood cells) and epithelial cells (cells of tissues such as breast, skin, cartilage, etc.). In humans, they serve the unspecific immune defense against microbial pathogens and are produced physiologically in small quantities to maintain the microbial homeostasis (balance) of the interfaces.
If these processes are not activated when the vitamin D levels are insufficient, the virus can attach to the receptor, i.e. physiological protective measures fail. As a result, the blood pressure control system also fails and the process in the lungs is given free rein.
From now on, do not go blindly through life, but be aware of your own responsibility and know your current vitamin D level!
All places in Central Europe beyond Rome can no longer maintain their optimal vitamin D level during 365 days a year. The position of the sun, the short exposure times and our uncontrolled use of sunblock are the reasons for this deficiency. The conditions in America are similar. A high dose of vitamin D can very quickly lead to a normal level. According to the current vitamin D level, if necessary, acute injections of up to 300,000 IU can be administered intramuscularly or the vitamin D level can slowly adjust to an optimal level by taking 4,000- 10,000 IU daily. Values of 100-170 nmol/l should be aimed for. Take 100 mg vitamin K 2 with it. My further recommendation for a vigilant strong immune system is to absolutely switch off WIFI at night and use WIFI only in doses during the day. We have carried out scientific studies in our clinic and measured the activity of leukocytes (white blood cells) before and after WIFI exposure. Leukocytes have the task of carrying out the immune defense in our body. After taking a blood sample, these defense cells show great activity, visible under a darkfield microscope. We can observe how the leukocytes act as the police in the body and fight any intruders.
After blood samples were exposed to WIFI radiation for only 1 hour, resulting in extremely measurable oxidative stress (IMD Institute for Diagnostic Medicine), their functional efficiency came to a standstill. This significantly reduced the immune response. If we all share one concern now, then please share the right one! These are serious dangers, which we should finally recognize!
Furthermore, our immune system is dependent on a sufficient zinc level. This zinc level can be measured in whole blood, as 70% of the cells contain zinc. Zinc is the all-rounder of our cells. A loss of zinc means that the intracellular immunity also decreases (viruses multiply intracellularly, as you now know).
In short, from my point of view, this means that there is a lack any medical understanding for the current situation. We are experiencing panic and fear, as if a spreading bush fire will engulf us all tomorrow from which we will not be able to escape. As in our personal lives, every problem hides a challenge within itself. This is what we as human beings should grow from. We should no longer just talk – let’s act. Should the handling of coronaviruses teach us to finally accept our responsibility as fellow inhabitants on this uniquely beautiful planet in order to secure the life of all, including animals and plants? I read on a card once: “Sometimes this amount of suffering means an awakening.”
It is our duty as doctors to protect you. Therefore, everyone must know their vitamin D level, especially now and always before winter.
The origin of illness needs to be understood, because our body does not make a mistake. The knowledge of the multiple causes and reasons of illnesses alone is the basis for returning the body to its healthy state or ensuring its health stability.
For more than 25 years this has been the basis for my medical work. I have not lost confidence in this power even with what is happening today.
Just as illness is not a destiny but a cry for help from our body, so health is not a divine gift but a personal task.
Petra Wiechel MD